/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Webcrea : ActiveSoft Web Version * * (c) Copyright 2015. ActiveSoft. Co., Ltd. * For details, see the activesoft web site: http://www.activesoft.co.kr/ * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var SysEng = new function() { this.idsDayName = 'MoTuWeThFrSaSu'; this.idsAmPm = 'AM;PM'; this.idsTimeMinSecName = 'HMS'; this.idsEndSession = 'Session has been ended.'; this.idsCancel = "Cancel"; this.idsCmdClose = 'Close'; this.idsCloseOther = 'Close Other'; this.idsCloseAll = 'Close All'; this.idsOK = 'OK'; this.idsRangeAll = 'All'; this.idsSum = 'Total'; this.idsSubTotal = 'Subtotal'; this.msgWarnHideColumn = "Grid radio buttons, checkbox columns do not support hiding."; this.msgWarnLunarExpDate = "Only support from 1800 to 2101."; this.msgWarnLunarErrDate = "There is no date."; this.msgErrData = "Please check your data."; this.msgErrObject = "There are no objects."; this.msgErrPopup = "Make sure Popup Blocker is turned on."; this.msgErrCookie = "You can not use sessionStorage. Make sure the cookie blocking feature is turned on."; this.msgErrExcelImport = "The file could not be read."; this.msgErrStackOverflow = "It is endless repetition."; this.msgClipboard = 'Press Ctrl + C to copy.'; this.msgDuplicate_file = "This file%1 is already registered."; }; var SysKor = new function() { this.idsDayName = '월화수목금토일'; this.idsAmPm = '오전;오후'; this.idsTimeMinSecName = '시분초'; this.idsEndSession = '세션이 종료 되었습니다.'; this.idsCancel = "취소"; this.idsCmdClose = '닫기'; this.idsCloseOther = '다른 창 닫기'; this.idsCloseAll = '모든 창 닫기'; this.idsOK = '확인'; this.idsRangeAll = '전체'; this.idsSum = '합계'; this.idsSubTotal = '소계'; this.msgWarnHideColumn = "그리드의 라디오 버튼, 체크박스 열은 감추기를 지원하지 않습니다."; this.msgWarnLunarExpDate = "1800년부터 2101년까지만 지원합니다."; this.msgWarnLunarErrDate = "없는 일자입니다."; this.msgErrData = "데이터를 확인하세요."; this.msgErrObject = "개체가 없습니다."; this.msgErrPopup = "팝업 차단 기능이 설정되어 있는지 확인하세요."; this.msgErrCookie = "sessionStorage를 사용할 수 없습니다. 쿠키 차단 기능이 설정되어 있는지 확인하세요."; this.msgErrExcelImport = "파일을 읽을 수 없습니다."; this.msgErrStackOverflow = "무한 반복이 되고 있습니다."; this.msgClipboard = 'Ctrl+C를 눌러 복사하세요.'; this.msgDuplicate_file = "이미 등록된 파일%1입니다."; };